When we were there, I felt this overwhelming physical sadness. So much death and destruction.
You are looking at the ruins of the largest Catholic church in Haiti. The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption was built between 1884 and 1914. At the time of the earthquake, a funeral was taking place inside. Over 120 priests, monks, and nuns were killed, including Archbishop Joseph Serge Miot, the highest Haitian Catholic leader.
Haiti has lived in spiritual darkness for hundreds of years. 80% of the population practices Voodoo. Catholic missionaries have historically absorbed local cultural practices into their faith, giving an unclear picture of the Gospel. Many Haitians now believe that Jesus Christ is another on a long list of “gods” that they need to appease.
Since the earthquake, thousands have come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, and over 120 churches have been started. There is a great spirit of revival moving through Haiti, and you are now a part of it!
Please pray that more Haitians will accept God’s gift of salvation. Pray that they will completely turn their backs on Voodoo and will take refuge in God’s power. Pray that those who fear the Voodoo spirits will claim the promise found in Romans 8:31- “If God is for us, who can be against us?”
Before the EQ
And after...
Thank you for sharing this Sarah!! We will be praying for Haitians to know the Lord and trust His powerful name!