Thursday, August 12, 2010

A few pictures...

I know I promised pictures a few days ago, and have not delivered. Well, here you go. I can only do a few at a time since the internet here can be a bit spotty and slow. I will take more of the CMBH house and my lovely office that I am trapped inside all day in the next couple days. :)

Here's my room. I have it to myself, which is nice. This way I don't have to live out of a suitcase for 6 weeks, I can spread all my junk out. The other thing that is nice (and Kim you will especially appreciate this), is because my room is a dark cave near the back of the compound, it holds in the cool air when the AC switches off. I just took a nap to try and hold off a headache, and I didn't even sweat at all!

Here's my bathroom. Small, but does the job.

This is my shower. Even though it doesn't look all that great, it is actually amazing. Here at CMBH our water is gravity fed from a cistern on the roof. I am on the bottom floor, which means I always have water pressure. Also, because it is just a faucet and not a showerhead, lots of water comes pouring out. Yay!

Yesterday we had a team from a Boston-area Puerto Rican church arrive, and I joined them on their city tour. We went to the Catholic cathedral that collapsed, and actually got to go inside. It was very very eerie and sad. I will post those pictures a bit later.

1 comment:

  1. I like seeing your living conditions. The shower looks like it may have a little mold problem maybe. Should have taken a bottle of X14 maybe.
