I ultimately decided to wait until FCSL's deadline, and if I hadn't heard from FSU by then, I would just commit. And it was the right decision, because I still haven't heard from FSU. (I might still, since they don't start classes until the end of the month, but too bad so sad for them, because they missed out on me!)
I definitely am confident in my decision. I spoke to Brittany not long after I made the leap, and was able to finally articulate what I have been thinking- I know that law school is expensive. But I also know that God calls us to sometimes make sacrifices to follow him, and I feel like the sacrifice I am being called to make is financial. Yeah, I am taking on some debt. But it takes school to go into the fields I am praying about, and school takes money. Plus, since it all belongs to him anyway, it isn't so much my debt as the re-allocation of resources. ;)
So I am ecstatic to be back in North Florida and have never been more excited to go to church in the morning. Yay Coquina! And it does my heart good to be back with my favorite family, the Sivyers. Classes start Monday, and I am feeling ready to begin. I know that it is going to be CRAZY, I have been told over and over that I will have no life and will be stressed out and frustrated, but I know that there is a larger purpose.
I was thinking last night about the women's prison in Haiti, and was overwhelmed by the fact that most of those women are probably still in that filthy, rat-infested place. (For the post I wrote right after I visited, click here.) So much has changed for me in the past year, but nothing has changed for them. I will never forget what it felt like for me, a rich white girl who has had every opportunity in the world, to stand in that place. I know now that it was a point of no return for me. I could not walk out of the gate the same. The way I was living my life was no longer enough. Teaching is incredible, and I am so thankful to have so many caring, wonderful people in my life who are called to it, but I think that God brought me to that prison to push me out of my "comfort zone" and into something a bit more dangerous. I almost feel like I am carrying some little piece of their burden, and I certainly don't mean to sound trite, as nothing I have ever or will ever experience is even close to what they are. So not burden, maybe it is more responsibility, that I will take the ridiculous blessings life has afforded me and spread them around.
This is definitely rambly and a bit stream of consciousness. But I think it is the best I can do at the moment, as I have spent all day reading legalese about Property and Contracts and Torts, and my brain is a little more than scrambled. :)
So pictures. These are mostly for my mom, who with my dad were ONCE AGAIN AMAZINGLY GRACIOUS ENOUGH to help me move. 8 moves in 8 years is a lot to ask! Unfortunately they had to head back up to Tennessee before my place was truly settled, and I know that she wants to know that I have a little home here. But I figured maybe others would like to see them too. That way you know what to expect when you all come visit me. :)

Here's my living room. I have a lovely view of a retention pond, and yes, there are already pretzel M&Ms on the coffee table. I am allowed one bag a month. And they will be savored.

The view into my little kitchen. Notice my best friend altar? :)

Here is my amazing couch I got for a steal! And all the roommates I have had will recognize my artwork. What can I say? I love Cary Grant!

My place is a one bedroom, with plenty of space for just me. Never fear, this is not the only bookshelf.

Why yes, this is the shelf that both (a) cost more than anything else in my apartment and (b) will CONSUME MY LIFE for the next few months!

My little bathroom. You can see in the mirror my lovely Patty Springfield art on the wall. Love indeed!

A close-up because she is that amazing. :)

And here's my room. My lamp looks like it is exploding. I promise it isn't. It matches the one on the other side, just a bit bigger.

Alternate view

One of my FREE! pieces of furniture received through the blessing of Amy Lane's connections! Amy and I knew each other in high school, and I seem to be following her through life. She attended Flagler before me, was a member at one of the founding Coquina churches, and just finished her first year at FCSL. She has already been a HUGE help and encouragement, and I am so thankful!
So yesterday Brittany brought the boys up to my place to do some swimming. I quickly learned what knick-knacks were in Ezra's reach to prepare for next time. :)

What a sweet face!

Gabe really was happy and great 99% of the morning, but a skinned knee and not wanting to come in resulted in this very sad face.

It turns out the trick to keeping kids from destroying the room is putting Yo Gabba Gabba on tv. Yep, I am going to totally be that bad aunt that lets them watch tv. :)
There you go. I am here, I am maybe ready, and don't be surprised if I continue to be a very spotty blogger.
I also owe lots of people on my subscriber list phone calls. I promise, I haven't forgotten you! :)
I looove your ikea lamps, we have the tall crunched up one! And I love that your lamp is exploding... and i LOVE that your friends and their littles are so close again!
ReplyDeleteGood to have you back in the Sunshine state. So good to see you at church and lunch. We have missed us some Grizzle. Love the apartment and all that you have done with it. We can't wait to visit and hang out. Let us know if you need anything.