On Sunday I went with a team from Georgia to Pastor Pierre's church. It was a small little hot room, but it was a simply lovely service. To get there, we had to walk through a bunch of tents:

When we got there, it was Sunday School, and like I said before, they memorize Scripture every week and stand up and say it aloud to the church. Would that we were so dedicated! We were seated in the front row, as in all Haitian services. In most, I have actually been on stage!

"All Scripture is inspired by God"

They had all of us stand up and introduce ourselves, and I was able to do so in Creole! I was pretty proud, if I do say so myself. My accent may have been a little off, but Miguelson said I spoke the right words. :)
I took some video while we were there. The first is of worship led by Pastor Pierre:
This is of prayer time. One of our leaders made an astute observation- in so many of our services in the States, prayer is a transition time. We bow our heads, and when we look up, the worship leaders are in place. We pray again when it is time for them to sit. Very rarely do we all just focus on talking to God. This was very convicting for me! Prayer is something that does not come naturally to me, but I am shamed and embarrassed when I pray with the Haitians:
This last one is also of worship. Here the services are in Creole, and the translators don't interpret every single thing that happens. They will give us updates sometimes, and they translate the sermons. Sometimes we recognize some of the hymns, and we join in in English. Well, Pastor Pierre busted out with this, and at first I didn't even recognize it:
He sang, in English mind you, "Lord Prepare Me to be a Sanctuary", "All in All", "I Love You Lord", and "This is the Day". It was very sweet!

One of the Pastor's 10 kids!

My view driving away:

See the cross in the mountain?

On Monday, Kay and new Sarah (My replacement is also named Sarah! She just graduated from the University of Cincinnati and is doing this as an internship through a missions program in her church. She is pretty great!) and I went shopping. The offices are moving now that Disaster Relief is closing and Haiti Rebuild is starting, so we need to outfit the new place. We found this guy- notice his mischievous special design and try his handsome appearance :) :

We also went to the grocery store and found... wait for it... SALSA! I have been CRAVING salsa for the past couple of weeks, and it was glorious! Kay and Sarah:

I can barely contain my excitement!

On Wednesday Dennis, who has been my supervisor during my time here, and who is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING, and I went to lunch to a fancy restaurant. I had spaghetti:

My entourage (Please notice the mural in the background. It is more than just mountain peaks...)

Dennis and I in front of the sign. The name translates to "Gold Finger":

Today I am going to work with new Sarah on new Buckets of Hope paperwork, then I am hoping to take my boys Miguelson and Dasy out to lunch.
As glad as I am to be coming home, it is going to be pretty hard to leave Haiti behind...
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