So, we all know that I am not very artistic. I tend to be the idea person, and I surround myself with people who can actually make it happen. There is just some disconnect between my head and my hands, much to my dismay. So when something I have an idea about actually come to fruition by my own efforts, I get pretty excited about it. Thus, I present to you: MY BULLETIN BOARD.
This is even more funny than usual because one of my biggest fears about the year I taught third grade was having to put up bulletin boards! Luckily, I had the amazing Brittany and Emily to help me out then, but here at the Boys and Girls Club, I am on my own. We meet in a church, so what I do to the walls is a bit limited. I only have one small actual bulletin board that is attached to the wall with hooks, so I have created a couple of "fake" ones, just the paper attached to the wall with tape. The illusion is remarkable. ;)
I had one giant wall that was screaming for something, but I just couldn't figure out what. The staff and I had training in Knoxville last month at a club, and one of the rooms had a couple of clocks on the wall showing what time it is in other major cities, and I thought, "Hey, I could do that even better!" So here is what I came up with:
I know it is a bit blurry, but you can see the idea. I put up two maps, one U.S. and one World, and then lined the clocks along the top. I have to say, I am pretty proud of my title:
The times I have are L.A., Chicago, New York, London, Baghdad, Beijing, and Sydney. When the kids first came in and saw it, their minds were totally blown. "What do you mean it is night in China? That is ridiculous!" said one first grader.
So there you go. My artistic zenith for the year.
Meanwhile, I sent of my first completed application to George Mason University in Arlington last week. Eeep!
And yes, the ticking clocks do DRIVE ME CRAZY. When I am in here alone working, I have to crank music up so I don't hear them. :)